About of the project:
\"Green YOUth Changemakers\" is an environment action and activism project, financed by European Commission through Erasmus+ program, KA154-YOU - Youth participation activities (ref. no. 2024-1-RO01-KA154-YOU-000242902), aimed mainly for people of 16-19 years old who are interested in environmental topics, social justice, fand sustainability. It aims to change the ways we see taking part to civic society. We want to help to look for new solutions towards sustainable and socially righteous EU.
Many young people in Central and Eastern Europe are not aware of the climate impact of their way of life and do not understand the need for urgent action in this direction. Whereas awareness of climate change as a visible worldwide problem is high among the young people (83%), the majority of them lack experience in personal engagement on the topic.
Only about a quarter of the young people feel personally very concerned about climate change.
A big portion of them are not aware of any action or initiative addressing climate change in their country (76%) but are eager to take action and mostly share the view that their example can change the attitudes of people. According to the conclusions of the sociological survey conducted in four countries of Central and Eastern Europe only 19% of the young respondents can be described as “active” on the topic of climate change.
We Are Commited To Protect And Enhance Our Environment
Environmental knowledge
Environmental Protection
Environmental Enforcement
What we aim for ?
General aim of the project is to increase the motivation and awareness of the protection of the environment & climate change among 40 Romanian & Bulgarian youth between the ages of 15-19 by providing a space for dialogue between them and decision-makers.
Project objectives:
1. To educate 116 young people aged 15-19 years old from Romania and Bulgaria on environmental literacy;
2. To raise youngsteers environmental consciousness by making them aware of the difficulties that arise from a lack of understanding about climate and the environment
3. To raise participants’ awareness in achieving Sustainable Green Europe;
4.T o develop green competencies for 116 young people aged 15-19 years old from Romania and Bulgaria providing them with knowledge, developing their skills, and shaping attitudes;
5. To create space and provide a floor for participating youth and decision-makers to have dialogue on local and EU levels.

We Are the Green YOUth Change makers